Everyday you will not feel like the efforts you are putting forth are worth it. You may feel as though it is taking too long or it does seem as if things are working. You will go back and forth with your yourself.
You tell yourself, you are with what you have, there is no need to continue on. You tell yourself, you do not have to have it all. You will begin to talk yourself out of the dream you desire. Now you are in an uncomfortable place and you have no desire to go back to doing the things before you started the new path.
You are not willing to go back and you need help to go forward. This is the time you take a deep breathe and get to understand what lead you to this place of wanting to stop. The best way to get back going is to:
1. Re-evaluate your focus
You decided to take the leap and live your dreams, its time to ask yourself “Do you still want it”
2. Adjust your action plan
You do not have to start a new plan, adjust the plan you have. Take the large pieces and break them into smaller pieces. This will allow you to see you are completing task needed.
3. Reward Yourself
Make it a point to give yourself a pay on the back. Acknowledge you completed parts of a project. Take time to relax. You will regain the strength and get endurance to get to your reality of the dream.
Longevity in success is developed at a pace. Laying a solid foundation allows your dreams to have a grounded base. No matter what goes on you are able to continue to create and build. Keep your eyes on what you are doing and do not allow what others are doing to hinder your progress. Shake it off and stay the course. You are closer to living your dreams than you know.