Dr. Ty Watts Presents
From Ashes To Bling Foundation
The statistics around domestic violence are staggering: in the United States, one in every four women experience severe physical violence from an intimate partner at some point in their lifetimes. Children have to see this type of violence take place in their homes. Domestic violence is least likely to be reported.
Domestic violence can generally be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior with the intent to gain or maintain power and control over an person, intimate partner or other family members. The abuse can be established over time and in most times, it begins subtly with insults, a shove or by alienating a survivor from family and friends. As time goes on, the abusive behavior can be more frequent and increase in severity.
Domestic violence takes on many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, economic and/or psychological abuse. It affects people of all ages, sexual orientations, religions, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels, and takes place in all kinds of relationships. Domestic violence is a crime rooted in power and control—it is never “caused” by making someone angry or upset. It is never justifiable or excusable, nor is it ever the fault of a survivor. All people deserve to be in healthy and loving relationships free of violence.
At From Ashes to Bling Foundation, we believe in the health and resiliency of survivors. We understand how difficult the pain of these experiences can be, and we honor the strength, courage and time it takes to survive and heal. It is our desire to aid those who have experienced any type of abuse to be whole Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, and Financially.